Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Graptoveria Succulent

 Genus: X Graptoveria (grap-toh-VER-ree-uh)  
The name Graptoveria is a combination of Echeveria and Graptopetalum.  The 'x' before the name signifies this hybridization.  Due to this mixed parentage they form a diverse genus, but most are low growing, cultivated for their beautiful shapes and colors.

Graptoveria Debbie
X Graptoverias, are beautiful and easy to grow of all the Echeveria-like succulents in cultivation. Generally, they are hardier than Echeverias and certainly fast growing and easy to start from cuttings (leaf or stem)

The common species of Graptoveria which can be found and sold normally are
- Graptoveria Fred Ives

- Graptoveria Debbie (thick and pink purple leaves) 
- Graptoveria Opalina, a large, fat-leaved plant with pale colored leaves that vary in colors

- Graptoveria Silver Star. You can get it the succulent nursery normally and it’s not simple to grow it because it can rot easily and doesn't tolerate a lot of direct sunlight

- Graptoveria amethorum, with short, fat leaves

Sun Exposure:
Caring for Graptoverias is similar to that of Echeveria and Graptopetalum.  Bright light or shaded areas are best.  Take care when placing outside as scarring can develop quickly even in partial sunlight.  Most plants can be brought into the sun if done very gradually

Propagation Methods:
By dividing rhizomes, tubers, corms or bulbs (including offsets)  With leaf cuttings, you can cut a leaf and leave it on top of pot.  Water it every 2-3 weeks and later the new plant will grow up.

Bloom Time: Late Spring/Early Summer

Graptoveria Silver Star
Once a week for small port and twice for bigger pot. The Graptoveria are drought-tolerant but like water when it's warm Only for some types of Graptoveria (like Superbum, Hakuhou 3) you may use the watering can with small tip and pour water at the soil.  That can avoid water being or holding on its leaves.  

Or if there is water between the leaves, they will use syringe to suck water out of.  Then Graptoveria will have perfect and healthy leaves.

Once a month.  You can apply the orchid fertilizer with the succulent.

If you find the bit leaves, there should be a worm around there.  You may use the pesticide when you find aphid on succulent.  Meanwhile, you should collect and throw the dry or dead leaves as they will be place of pest and bad fungus.

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