Mammillaria pectinifera (Syn: Solisia pectinata)
The species is classified as endangered because of habitat destruction, grazing of livestock, mining rock for construction, and dumping of rubbish. Actually the illegal extraction and trade of the plant doesn't seem to be a real threat, because artificial propagation is not a problem today, and many nurseries produce the species.Origin : Mexico
Frost Tolerance: 20°F (-7°C)
Minimum Avg. Temperature: 50°F (10°C)
Sun Exposure: Light shade
Watering Needs: Rot prone, use shallow pot
Propagation: Seeds, or graft
Habitat: Grows in the Tehuacan Valley Matorral, Mexico, a desert/xeric tropical shrub basin, under bushes and other vegetation, on deep alkaline soils with relatively high surface stoniness and high water retention capacity.
The climate is semi-dry, hot, with summer rains and slight temperature oscillations.
Cultivation: Slow growing, this plant is very rot prone and temperamental when cultivated on its own roots, but it is easy to grow if grafted. Mammillaria pectinifera has a fairly large tap root, and should be kept in a deep pot with a very draining mineral substrate.
Watering during the active growing season (spring and summer), this will encourage steady growth. But be careful with watering, which all thick rooted species require (rot sensitive). Keep dry during the winter rest.
Fertilize every 2 weeks with diluted high potassium fertilizer when the plant is in bud. Light shade or full sun exposures.
Propagation: Direct sow after last frost. (seldom produces offsets)
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