Scientific Name: Pachypodium saundersii N.E. Br.
Synonym: Pachypodium lealii ssp. saundersii
P. saundersii makes a great potted specimen with natural 'bonsai' like growth. The long branches can be cut back to maintain a more compact form. When grown in full sun, summer watering should be
Frost Tolerance: Semi tender in Phoenix, protect it on coldest nights, or keep it in container
Sun Exposure: Light shade to full sun.
Origin: South Africa
Growth Habits: Small, very slow growing caudiciform tree, typically 2 to 4 feet tall or less for any specimen of reasonable age
Watering Needs: Regular water in summer when the plant has leaves, in winter, keep dry, with only occasional water
Propagation: Seeds. In this family the fruits (called follicles) are produced in pairs. Each fruit may contain several dozen seeds, most of which will germinate if sown during the peak of summer.
Blooming Habits: P. saundersii has white flowers in the fall at the end of the summer growing season. They seem to need a cooler winter dormancy to bloom properly. They generally bloom at a younger age than other Pachypodiums, typically around 4-5 years old.
Need help! my kudu lily is soft at the bottom like it is rotten.. what can i do?
Please visit this link. It's about how to deal with the rotten cactus:
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